The Healthy Eating Show
Written by Dr. Julianna Pax and Abby London.
Performed by Abby and Flopsy (Super Rabbit).
"The Magic of Healthy Eating Show" is a fun-filled way to learn how to eat well. Abby uses humor, magic and puppetry to encourage healthy eating. The audience helps Flopsy the rabbit puppet discover super foods in his quest to become a super hero. Flopsy misunderstands much, creating funny situations. The children help teach him 3 simple messages: 1) Super foods make us feel like super heroes, 2) portion sizes are based on age, and 3) eat colorful fruits and vegetables.
The show avoids preaching; it focuses primarily on what to eat rather than what not to eat; and it emphasizes boosting energy instead of shedding body fat. Avoiding language that can cause behavioral and self-esteem problems, this show does not dwell on obesity, dieting or self-denial.
About the writers of this show: Dr. Julianna Pax is retired from Montgomery County, MD schools where she developed the nutrition science curriculum. She has a Ph.D. in nutrition science from the University of Maryland and has authored numerous newspaper articles about nutrition. Abby London has an M.A. in Social Psychology from the Johns Hopkins University, and 14 years of experience as a children's entertainer.
Call Abby at 215-880-5975 and ask for a contract with discounts on shows for schools.